Here you see one of the rarer Gnomes of color at his San Diego residence. Do not let the cobwebs on his lips misguide you - he had plenty of wisdom to convey. The next time you run across one of his brethren I suggest taking a moment to gaze into the ancient, hollow eyes, and say "Hello in there." (yes, out loud). Same goes for gnomes disguised as street crazies. If you catch anyone staring don't mind them. They're just jealous like those kids that used to tease us in grade school. Freak flags do so much more good flying high than moldering in some closet. Still wondering if you are a freak? You're in the right place.

I need a little gnome of color in my front yard! I've always had a special place in my heart for those little guys. Perhaps if I think good thoughts, one will deign to make his home under our porch. Thinking of you today, will call soon.
Wee ones from the world over visited me on the astral plane AND in my dreams to inform me that gnomes of color far outnumber caucusoid gnomes on a global scale, and are therefore not "rarer". Media conspiracy or something like that. They're right you know. I'm such a tool sometimes.
I always belived there were gnomes in my back yard and look, there he is. (I didn't waste my childhood waiting quietly behind the fence!) Acutally, there was a colony. Though invisible to the naked eye, their presence was absolutely undeniable. Of course, they didn't all deign the common red cap and blue pants, long beard or braids- many wore funky paisley and had nose rings. There were some beat nik types that hung around drinking joe & smokin' eucalyptus leaf all day- pestering the alligator lizards. The common thread was their industry, oh and also their tinyness. Very busy little people. Just love em!
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