Horses on the loose! Horses on the loose!
Horse ranches blanket El Sobrante, including the property behind ours. Some workers we hired took down some of the unsubstantial wire fencing to bring some building material into our yard, and should have put it back. The wife told me to put it back but I didn't get that our workers took it down and so did nothing. Next thing you know 900-lb giants clop clop clop right down the drive to Jesus' lawn; he waters his lawn much more regular than us. Left a voluminous pile of road apples on our other neighbors sidewalk too. A neighbor had the ranches number, so they came got 'em after a minute. The brown one caught easy, but the paint went tearing up the hill like a racehorse, amazing to watch, what with the main flowing out behind and a horsey expression of determined defiance. The guy from the ranch bitched about someone taking down his fence but I didn't know it was us yet, so I just agreed that it were a dern shame, and that I was glad no one got hurt too. When the paint first was introduced to the other horses, a couple of years ago, I saw it bite and kick the other horses, and chase them around, heard noises I'd never heard from horses before, noises that got the dogs riled and brought neighbors out of their homes in distress. Horses cruel to be kind; men also tend to see bullies as charismatic. I love living by them, especially the fiery tempered paint, except for the flies. Last night when I walked the daughter outside to try to quell her cries (wife had an evening out) I heard them whistle and grunt, felt good, wild western, ancient communication resonating in the vertabrae. Doesn't hurt that I'm almost finished with my 3rd Zane Grey (western) novel in a row. One morning after staying up late reading one, I realized that I had subconciously worn my cowboy hat, cowboy boots, western belt, and a semi-western shirt. Next time I'll wear the leather vest too.

Jennie's reading Zane Gray right now as well! I wish we had horses in our back yard.
If you had horses in your yard, you'd have horse-flyz buzzin' 'round your house too!
Funny you are, Cowboy.
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