With my enthusiastic coaching and the promise of candy our darling daughter managed to push poop directly from her body into a small pink European-style potty the other night. Cheers filled the air, candy for all, and the good feelings go on forever, like rural roads. I have to give the boy some credit. The night before he overheard Mama Bear and me discussing potty training, and afterwards he insisted that we read them their new potty training book "Lift the Lid", a book featuring many flaps to lift to reveal hidden objects and such. He kept asking to go back to the first page and look at the candy hidden in Mama Rabbit's skirt pocket, such a smart boy.
The girl grows every day. She used to cry when she woke up, then she moved on to calling our names. Now she just stands there grinning, practicing psychic paging, and it works heck of good.
We used to forget to clean her old bottles out of her crib right away, which led to some sour milk drinking incidents. Now she hands me her bottle before I pick her up each morning, such a good helper. She also insists on brushing her teeth each morning, something the boy never did.
Marina looks a lot like your mom. have you noticed?
Hadn't really noticed before, but I can see it in this picture. The thing is that my brothers and I all look basically alike, which is like my mother, and she looks just like her mum. That's the strong English genes of Warrington for you.
omigod...there she is--standing. and pooping. hopefully not at the same time, tho. it's been too long.
Well of course not! I wouldn't embarrass the poor dear that dreadfully. that's the good thing about the European-style potty chairs you see, the drop the but below the knees so the kid gets the benefit of squatting, unlike the American kind that can hinder letting go, what with their too high of buttness, too close to standing...
you see her here in front of the Asian Branch of the Oakland Library, feel the tea connection.
I LOVE THIS PICTURE with the poppies in front (poppies?) and Marina is so pretty! When are you taking the family to Warrington eh?
Warrington doesn't top our vacation wishlist, but there is a draw, so, knowing me, bloody not likely.
yup, poppies, oriental, getting ready to bloom, the weekend before Thanksgiving, glad you liked the picture
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