Notice how he used regular blocks as column supports for the elevated section of track and platform. Who would not love a giant rain stick with a stair bridge over it running through their town, who? His track designs of late have blown me away with their elegance and color schemes. My mom got him an old "how-to" video about the world's fastest growing family hobby - garden trains, and the obscession grips him with no mercy. It does look fun. Look how much fun Mr. Roger's had.
I think the 'fro also deserves comment.
the bigger the fro, the easier to scare of foe. He loves all the attention he gets for his big hair, but would like a haircut all the same, but definitely not shaved by his ogre of a father, instead a Bay Area conformist cut from the "kids only" barber on Solano in Albany, the one with all the amazingly engrossing toys.
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