Oh yeah, that rocket makes dreams & visions, velocity stomach butterflies, and the air of danger. Seth built it, with some help from his daughter and I don't know who else. Just look at the nose cone! Parachutes and everything but live cargo, expected to reach 5,000' and 375-mph. Next launch: Black Rock Desert, NV, this month, and I'm scheming to attend. Yup, this rocket has true magnetism, the distribution of Gravity's Rainbow (read ultra-condensed version here), unavoidable.

truely impressive. can i go too?
you're busy that weekend(9/22-9/24), but yes, we will go in time
it appears as though Seth's masculinity is expanding as his rockets' size increases... hee hee hee
but the real question is " does this BIG rocket go as fast and as far as the little one did?"
that's funny, i had not considered your "real question", but am fair certain that it's more about the curves (parablas statistical and littoral) and the thrust (bigger rockets need more thrust). anyone with a rocket that sexy must have balls the size of church bell clappers. just to live in a country that has such giant rockets lends mucho macho sexisma via association. just another true patriot looking out for the interests of homeland sexcurity. yup, all there in Gravity's Rainbow, a very male book I've been told by Allison, but oh so clever
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