Found this beautiful specimen in the fishtank filling bucket in the garage. First wild one I'd come across since moving away from West Sonoma Co. The boy and I basked in the glow of the poison sac for a good while before letting her go at the end of our yard. Scorpions have occupied a special place in my mind since early childhood, first seen in movies, then dreams, pet stores, dead on the floor of my Bohemian Highway room, then crawling across my walls, fighting with our cats, sleeping in the collars of my freshly laundered shirts, and so on, from fear to love & admiration. I've missed them these past 18 years.

They seem to reveal themselves to some more than others. I saw dozens living in Occidental, but the majority of folks there had never seen one. Such hysteria about the critters - I'd hide too. Any animal that looks that sharp must maintain constant cool.
I've seen one small scorpion out at Finegold, but my favorite was the day we saw two tarantulas.
"You say there's always gonna be this thing
Between us days are filled with dreams
Scorpions crawl across my screen
Make their home beneath my skin
Underneath my dress stick their tongues
Bite through the flesh down to the bone"
--excerpt from "Those Three Days" by Lucinda Williams
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