Just kidding about taking her out on the town, we take Mama's SUV for that. She just likes to play in the car, and in this case it was getting late, past her bedtime. You have to be tough when you have a brother three years older, and a werewolf for a father.
Born & raised in northern California, with a few summers in NY. Spent my teenage years in West Sonoma County where the rocks, trees, and creeks became me. Lived in SF and the East Bay ever since. Do not believe in "too much fun".
looking tough and sweet at the same time, what a little trooper! WHat in the world did you out this girl through?
Just kidding about taking her out on the town, we take Mama's SUV for that. She just likes to play in the car, and in this case it was getting late, past her bedtime. You have to be tough when you have a brother three years older, and a werewolf for a father.
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