The boy has become quite a dogsleeper, practicing for his upcoming raising by wolves. We have evaluated several boarding schools as well as a few packs of wolves, and it looks like wolves are the best choice all around. But seriously, who did "let the dogs out"?
pack of wolves could cost less in the long run.....is that a "cat nap" or or they both really deeply asleep? The dog makes a nice rug as well. So angelic while asleep (the boy I mean)
Mama's dog is only barely tolerating the boy's pretend sleeping in combination with my picture taking. His eyes are wide and disturbed. Costing less will be good, since my recently acquired alpha position in an similar but different pack of wolves doesn't pay much.
did you get a new job? Where? I don't think we can make it to Marina's birthday party so kisses to her and hugs to you and family....eyes wide and disturbed, sounds familiar!
always starting a new life I am, feels fresher that way, but my faithful primary job remains ever monolithic, but you know me, also wrapped up in my many present lives
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